Thursday, June 25th, 2020 at 4 pm on Zoom
Iceland’s Ambassador to the U.S., Bergdís Ellertsdottír will be talking about her role and responsibilities, with Katrín Sigurðurdottír, Iceland’s Honorary Consul to Minnesota, facilitating the interview.
Please join us in what will be an interesting and educational discussion! If you have specific questions you would like to be considered in the discussion, please send them to by June 23.
Ambassador Bergdís Ellertsdóttir – career summary
- Ambassador of Iceland to the United States, September 2019-
- Permanent Representative of Iceland to the United Nations, 2018-2019
- Head of the Icelandic Mission to the European Union, 2014- 2018
- Director, International Trade Negotiations. Chief negotiator Iceland-China FTA. Directorate for Trade and Economic Affairs, 2012
- Deputy Secretary General. European Free Trade Association (EFTA), Brussels, 2007-2012
- Director General for International Security and Development Co-operation Affairs. Ministry for Foreign Affairs, January 2007
- Foreign Affairs Adviser to the Prime Minister of Iceland, 2005-2006
- Head of European Affairs, Deputy Director General. Trade Department. Ministry for Foreign Affairs, 2003-2004
- Deputy Director, Political Department. Dealing with security issues, NATO, OSCE, bilateral relations with the United States, Canada and Russia, 2000-2003
- Political Officer. NATO HQ, Political Division, Brussels, 1998-2000
- Deputy Head of Mission. Embassy of Iceland in Bonn with accreditation to Switzerland, Austria and the OSCE, 1995-1998
- First Secretary. Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Trade Department, 1991-1995
Katrín Sigurdardottir
Katrín was born in Iceland and has a B.Sc. degree in Nursing from the University of Iceland. She moved to the US in 1999, lived and worked in Boston for 11 years before coming to Minnesota in 2011. She became the Honorary Consul of Iceland in MN in 2017.
Katrin lives in Eden Prairie with her husband and three children.
About the Event
We are excited to welcome Iceland’s Ambassador to the United States, Bergdís Ellertsdóttir and Honorary consul Katrin Sigurdardottir. Our webinar host will be INLUS President Dianne O’Konski.
Please join us on Thursday, June 25th, 2020 at 4 pm EDT using our online Zoom webinar platform.
We will also record the webinar for later viewing on the INLUS website.
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
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Dear Friends,
á meðan íslenska helst athglisvert tungumál, helst það erfitt tungumál. Kannski, aðstoðar þú mig með athglisverða tungumálið. þú talar daglega íslensku. Ég skrifa til þínn af því að þú talar íslensku. Ef þú skrifar til mínn, þakka Ég. Ef þú ákveðar ekki að skrifa, þakka Ég af því að mannisþunkturinn var tímu að æfa. Ég þarf hjálp frá einhverjum sem talar íslensku.
In your language, a person forms the commonly-used passive voice with both the verb “to be” and the neuter form of the past participle.
Example: það var gert við húsið (the house was being fixed up)
Question: This example comes from my book so it puzzles me. Húsið belongs to the neuter classification of nouns.
If a masculine or feminine noun was in the sentence, does someone still need to employ the neuter form of the past participle?
In English, the note was confusing to me. In Icelandic, do I write:
a. Mannisþunkurtinn var ruglað til mínn. Notice the neuter participle (ruglað)
b. Mannisþunkturin var ruglaður til mínn. Notice the masculine participle (ruglaður)
2. Regarding verb conjugation, how do I know when to apply a stem change?
For instance, the verb “að fara” (to go) has stem change in its conjugation. In present tense, it becomes “Ég fer” ( I go)
Dave Kennedy
Islenst fólk sigra framu sem hjálpsamt fólk og eg helst Örvæntingarfullur fyir hjálp með erfiða tungumálið. Island helst heim til indaels folks og eg helst ósjálfstæður á þessari framunni fyrir hjálp.