Are you ready for some svið, hangikjot, roasted lamb, slátur, and a great evening to meet up with your friends and neighbors in the Icelandic community? Thorri is a great time for that.
When and Where
6 pm – 11 pm, Saturday, February 22nd, 2020
American Legion Hall, 3939 Oak Street, Fairfax, VA (Payment must be received by February 15. No sales at the door.)
Lodging for Out of Town Guests
We suggest to our guests the Hampton Inn at 10860 Fairfax Blvd., Fairfax, VA 22030.
Make sure to pay your 2020 membership dues! Only those who have paid the 2020 membership may receive the $60 ticket price. Payment must be received by February 15th, 2019. There will be no ticket sales at the door.
Members & their guests: $60
Non-members: $75